The Brain Box


So how did Smoke and Mirrors come about ?

About a year ago, a dear friend and mentor had a birthday coming up. Now I am one of these people, who if your going to give a gift dont buy any old toot, put some thought into it, make it something thats from you to them, not from any old Joe Bloggs to anyother Joe Bloggs.

That then left a bit of an errr moment … nothing immediate sprung to mind. What do you give a Bizzarist who has seen it all, knows a lot of it, and certainly has performed more than his fair share lol.

And by the fate of the gods (or maybe satan himself) the idea came to make something. Something unique. And it was sitting right in front of me. A box. Every knows how Bizarrists love their boxes !

And the idea grew from there and during that night, a box was conceived and prototyped that was essentially a change box, changing a few billets,  or tarot cards.

Quite excited by the simple fact I had actually made something that in principle seemed to w0rk, I set about playetsting and checking and rechecking. And it worked, reliably each time. So I tendatively showed a few people at a few conventions and gatherings and the feedback was brill ! A second box was made as a gift, and of course it was jet black like any good haunted box should be lol.

As a tip of the hat to the person who encouraged and promoted the idea of the box and the one it was first made for, he was given the task of naming it. The Brain Box was born, so mote it be.

And so we plodded on, refining, playtesting and checking until we were sure the product would do what it says on the tin. Every time.

And I of course used mine in little shows I did, and at conventions and people wanted one.  So why not. And that was the start of Smoke and Mirrors.

And the item is still being refined, altered, adapted and pushed as far as it will go. Since release we have two methods of operating the switch, one as far as our methods tell us has not been produced before (if we are wrong, we apologise and will amend such statement and offer that person a nice piece of cherry cake).

We now can take the system and use it in almost any box. Which gave birth to the switch feature being added to some of the mini seance boxes, allowing a spirit slate type feature to be used.

We have vamped it up so the Brain box XL can switch 40 billets, and so it and the testing goes on.

The Brain box is our most popular item, and probably my favourite product to make as each one is so unique and some of them are being used in wonderful routines that are just droolsome, I wish I could share some of them with you, but they are not mine to share. Maybe one day we can persuade people to collaborate on a booklet or something.

Anyways. For those that have, enjoy, for those that want, buy, for those who don’t, thanks for stopping by.


Brain Box Standard (20 Billets) – £120

Brain Box XL (40 Billets) – £150

PK Brain Box Standard (20 Billets activated by PK Ring) – £120


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Contact us at to place your order or discuss your needs.


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As ever fanking muchly to those who helped this get off the ground. To those who were wonderful spectators over and over again during playtesting, to those who listened to hours of nerves, and of course to those who shone the light and showed me the path, mwah to you all x

Take care peeps.

E x

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